Dear Golfers,
As this year draws to a close and a new year approaches, it is traditionally a time for reflection. We start to think ahead and to what might be in the future and we look back on the year and consider how we can improve our golf in 2023 and beyond.
What was 2022 like for you? Good, bad or indifferent? Did you meet your hopes and aspirations for the year? Or, was it much like the year before and the year before that?
It often seems we are somewhat pre-programmed to just keep repeating what has gone before. Your golf handicap stays more or less where it is, nothing changes with your game, old mistakes still occur, your scores don't improve and the story seems to keep repeating itself every year.
In the sports arena, one definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things time after time and to expect different results!
It is at this point that you should ask yourself some important questions;
What are my expectations?
What game of golf do I want to play?
What do I need to change to make that happen?
The good news is that everybody has the power and ability to change.
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the one’s we have been waiting for. We are the change that we seek” Barack Obama, 44th US President
The most important thing is knowing what to change and how to make it happen. Traditionally, the areas where we look for improvement are technique and equipment and we look for a swing change or a new club to provide the improvements we want. However, playing the game of golf is far more than having a reasonable technique and good equipment. Unfortunately, Golfers are being exposed to, and being taught only part of the game and not the necessary skills they need to raise their level of performance and enjoyment. This is not to say that the elements of technique and equipment are not important but they are not everything and need to be considered along with the other elements of the game. The questions above and their answers are, and should be personal to you and below I have detailed the elements of the game to enable you to understand your personal needs. This is in order for you to avoid wasting your precious time on elements which may not influence or contribute to improvement or your enjoyment but which will almost certainly result in frustration and disappointment! The game of golf can be divided into 5 main elements, all of which need to be considered when looking at how we perform, the results we achieve and how much enjoyment we have.
By understanding of the elements of the game which need to be considered, you can better decide what changes are to be made to your golf in the coming year. What is required now is for you or myself to make an honest appraisal of your game and decide what it is you want from your golf, what changes are necessary and how you are going to achieve them.
In keeping with my desire to provide you with the most effective coaching available, I have a number of new proposals and programmes for the coming year designed to help you in whatever progress or improvement you choose to make, These I have detailed below, further details of which can be obtained upon registering your interest.
1/2 hour or 1 hour
Including Game assessment, Trackman sessions, On-course sessions and Performance psychology
BRONZE 6 hours
SILVER 9 hours
GOLD 12 hours
6 for 5 lessons
1 to 1 lessons
9 or 18 holes
Equipment assessment
Set make-up assessment
Detailed advice and upgrade recommendations
SPECIAL GROUP CLINICS (2 hour duration/ Maximum 8 persons)
Sand Play
Pre-Swing Essentials
In-Swing Essentials
Proper Effective Practice
Full day with video analysis, presentations and practical sessions. Maximum 5 people
Short Game
Full (Pre and In) Swing Essentials
Performance and Psychology
Complete Game Day
Available to individuals or small groups. Maximum 5 people (8 hour/6 week course)
It is my pleasure to propose and offer to you an exciting and comprehensive package of programmes and packages for 2023. A timetable of dates and times for the various clinics, masterclass days and performance programmes will be published in due course however, if you would like to participate in any of these programmes, require any further information or simply want to register your interest, please contact me by email or via my website or via the link here.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support this past year and to wish you and your families a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
"Together we can change how you think, how you feel and how you play".
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes,
Paul Tolley